Upcoming Events

“Thrive in 25 🔬👩🔬🦠” - May 8-9th, 2025
American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science - North Dakota

- Up to 8 CE hours in one meeting
- Meeting together and touching base with all our fellow laboratorians
- Great speakers, great vendor opportunities and networking
ASCLS-ND is approved as a provider of continuing education programs in the clinical laboratory sciences through the ASCLS P.A.C.E. program. P.A.C.E credits will be awarded for sessions attended. Session descriptions and handouts will be found on the ASCLSND website when available
Hilton Garden Inn 4301 James Ray Drive Grand Forks, ND 58201
Phone 701-775-6000
Block Rooms: $110
Click Here to book with Hilton Block Rooms
Reservations must be made by March 29th, 2025, to be eligible for the block price (subject to availability - we encourage you to make your reservations early).
Contacts for Meeting or Registration Questions
Electronic registration issues -- asclsnd@gmail.com -- Questions will be answered in about one day.
If there are questions May 8th-9th, 2025, they will be answered on May 10th.
Please do not request a refund through PayPal or file a dispute. Disputes cost money and take about three months to resolve. We will bill you or your facility for the cost of the dispute, so please, if there is an issue, contact us at asclsnd@gmail.com We will do our best to resolve the incident to avoid the extra charges.
If you pay with an institutional credit card, please read this:
Please alert your accounting department to the purchase. We have instances where the accounting department does not know who ASCLS-ND is, and they file a dispute. Disputes cost money and take about three months to resolve. We will bill your facility for the cost of the dispute, so please, if there is an issue, contact us at asclsnd@gmail.com. We will do our best to resolve the incident to avoid the extra charges to your facility.
Download THIS vendor registration form. To register electronically, please press Buy Tickets above on the Event.